() Nathan: IT WONT EVEN BOTHER TO EVEN WORK PLS FIX THIS FREAKING BUG.() paul: it used to work amazing but now it's not supported that's why it doesn't work anymore.

() Hantime09: guys look go on prodigy x lodaer they have banned it taht way i helping go on it now chorme web store.() Caeden: it used to work now it does not.() Cash: It used to work but it doesn't anymore.() Omar: very bad!!!!!!!!!!! do not put on chrome because it does not work.Comment yes if it happened I'm Assure Prodigy will Fix it. () Caleb: Specifically if you have been Half a year old or more it wont work because thats how the system works.() Bruce: Used to be great, now I get TypeError: Failed to fetch.() rouhanwah7105: Won't work! It has been loading my prodigy, but it keeps getting stuck at half!.